?What is retina? Where is the retina

The retina in the eye is the same as the film in the camera. It is not impossible to see without retina. Retina is a masterpiece of engineering of Allah. It is situated at the inner surface of the eye like a lamination. This transparent matter which fills the hollow of the eye and is situated in front of the retina is called viscous.

The focusing system of the eye focuses the rays coming from different objects on the retina, creating an image of the object on the retina. This image is analyzed in different ways on the screen, just like on a computer’s RAM card. Coding of its details is done by analyzing the size of the image, its thickness, its color, the intensity of its brightness, etc. These codes are converted into the language of electric waves. These waves are sent to different parts of the brain through the optic nerve in the form of specific signals. To understand this all, consider the following pictures

These images on right show the structure of the eye. The image on the left are views of the retina when examined with different devices.

?What are the parts of the retina

With these pictures, try to understand how different parts of the retina are interconnected. The picture on the right show the position of different parts of the eye. The image on the left show the positions of those parts when examined with some machine.

?Is retina just a thin membrane

The yellow layer that is visible in the image below, is the retina. In this you can see that the retina is connected to the entire inner surface just like the lamination. The retina is essentially a membrane, but Allah Almighty has actually created a complex computer in the form of a membrane. Both of the images below are an attempt to give the idea of the complicated structure of the retina.

waitress is also visible on the inside of the screen In the upper image, a glass-like transparent ball-like structure filling the whole space of the eyeball is called vitreous.

The images below attempt to illustrate that if a small piece of retina is extracted from the large retina, then it is closely examined with modern microscopes, then and it looks like a highly sophisticated machinery. In these images you can see how multi-layered structure is this and there are different types of cells that are performing their unique duties!

Now the image below enlarges the structure of a small part of the retina. It is an attempts to show that how complex the retina is!

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