How to know about damage by diabetese?

The only method for prevention is regular check-up by some physcian. And whenever there is a doubt go to eye specialist. Best way is annual check-up.

When the defect has been started then different test become compusory. OCT, FFA, etc

My father is feeling that his eyesight is continuously deteriorating. He has diabetes and he doubts that his eyesight is getting worse due to diabetes. How diabatese damages eyes?

Worrisome aspect of diabetes is that the damage caused by it appears very late. And usually when it comes into knowledge, it is too late. The time for best treatment may already have passed!

  • If the diabetese is properly controlled and kept under constant control, it has very little effect on the eye. However, if it is not properly controlled, then the eyes can be affected in several ways as follows:
    1. In old age, because the retina and blood supply system becomes weak and diabetes also weakens them, the chances of getting worse at this age are also higher.
    2. Diabetes damages the lens of the eye which is actually transparent but becomes opaque. The common name for this disorder is cataract.
    3. Worst damage occurs in the retina. The walls of retinal blood vessels are damaged and they start to leak and break.
    4. Due to this, the blood components leak into various parts of the retina and cause swelling of different portions of the retina. This leads to decrease in retinal sensitivity to light and decrease in vision. At this stage, generally glasses do give any benefit.
    5. Many blood vessels are blocked and results into stoppage in blood supply for different portions of the retina. If the macular vessels are affected, then vision is severely decreased. If blood supply of other parts is only affected, then vision may not be decreased at this stage. They lead to formation of membranes, which contract. The vessels in these membranes frequently rupture and cause recurrent bleedings in the eye.
    6. Diabetes can damage the cornea.
    7. If the optic nerve is damaged, the eye may become completely blind.
    8. A very devastating complication is neovascular glaucoma. This is a preventable complication but when it gets established then very very difficult to treat!

Following pitures are showing swelling and leakage of blood

Following pitures are showing membranes on the retina

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