Retina is like a lamination on the inner surface of the eye. Small nerve fibers arise from throughout thr retina nad converge in the center at the point which is called optic disc. When we examine with different instruments, retina looks like the pictures below
The innermost layer seen in the picture is retina
Holes develop in the retina or sometimes some part of retina torns out. The holes and breaks appear as seen in following picture
When a part of retina tears out or a hole develops in some part, then fluid perculates and accumulates under the retina. That part of the retina bulges inwards as seen in the pictures
Detached retina and fluid appears as seen in this picture
When retina is detached, one method of reataching it is buckling. A silicon band is tied around the eye which presses from outside and compells the two layers of retina remain attached. The silicon band is seen as following after operation
The latest method for treatment of retinal detachment is vitrectomy operation. The fluid is drained out and the hole or break is welded by layer. This method is really a miracle. We should be thankfull to the reasearchers and Allah for this blessing to humanity. In the past This operation used to be very lenthy. Sometimes even 14 hours took one operation! bu now due to newer invenstions sometimes can be completed even less than a hour!
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