When to wear glasses? during near work or in far vision?

This is a big common misconception; people think that spectacles are for either far distance work or for near work. In fact, majority of patients should wear glasses all the time. If not used in this way, the glasses are practically useless. Especially before the age of 40, it is important for everyone to wear glasses at all times to avoid the burden on the eyes. So it should be remembered that

  • Any number (whether positive, negative, or cylinder) before the age of forty-four must be used at all times.
  • After the age of forty-four, the distance and near numbers become different, then it may be necessary only for distance or only for near.

If separate numbers for distance and near are suggested, should the near and far lenses be combined together or separately?

Deciding this is usually not that easy. This is because the decision can only be made by looking at different factors. Some of which are as follows:

  • Older people don’t usually need too much work. And their lives are not very busy either, then usually their spectacle numbers are often large so they also prefer separate spectacles and doctors also encourage this.
  • The needs of the less educated are usually such that they too often prefer to wear separate glasses.
  • Even for people who spend most of their time working nearby, bifocal glasses are not very comfortable. They prefer to wear separate glasses.
  • People with negative number lenses usually do not feel the need for glasses in close work so they also prefer to make separate glasses. People who like positive number glasses find it easier to make glasses together if their number is not too high. If the number of spectacles is high enough, then only separate spectacles are better.
  • Educated people who often have to be busy on the computer, or for people who are to work power point presentations, progressive lenses are the best.

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