Myopia – Dr Asif Khokhar Senior Eye surgeon committed to professional excellence Tue, 19 Sep 2023 07:11:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Myopia – Dr Asif Khokhar 32 32 230074243 Mypia Sun, 26 Sep 2021 15:51:12 +0000

These are those patients who wear glasses with negative numbers. Some of them have lenses with very high numbers as seen in the pictures below.

These patients naturally have an eye defect that develops during the period from childhood to adulthood. Actually the length their eyeball is longer than normal as seen in the picture below.

See in this picture that the focusing system of the eye tries to make the image of the tree on the retina but cannot and the image either does not form at all or is very much blurred because the retina is far behind its place.

Look at this picture to see where the eye rays are being focused and where the retina is.

How a myopic patients look without glasses and what is the difference when they see through glasses. This can be visualized by looking at these pictures.

This picture explains that how glasses or contact lenses correct this defect

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