The general idea is that when the burden of reading increases, the vision begins to weaken. Is this correct? Is reading harmful to children’s eyes? Many children are very young when they are diagnosed for refractive error. At what age is the risk of poor eyesight higher?
When will the first manifestation of visual impairment occur? It varies from person to person. However, since children have two stages of life in which their bodies begin to grow rapidly; One is 10 to 12 years old and the other is 16 to 18 years old. Since children’s visual impairment is closely related to eye growth, the eye grows as fast as the rest of the body in those days. It is only when there is disproportionate growth which results into the focus problems for the first time and the symptoms begin to develop. Most of the time the number of spectacles increases. But many children also start to improve and the number of glasses starts to decrease automatically.
The fact is that reading does not weaken the eyesight, but it does show the weakness of the eyesight of the children who are reading, because when he reads, the symptoms force the parents to check the child. Children who do not study also have poor eyesight but do not develop symptoms. However, modern research is confirming that there are certain methods of reading that can cause visual impairment.
- The most important of these is the extensive use of computers.
- In the same way, children who keep their eyes focused on close work for long periods of time eg during hifz e Quran, are more likely to have poor eyesight.
- Children who watch cartoons in front of the TV or with smartphones for hours are also at increased risk of losing their eyesight.
Therefore, it is not possible to say at what age a child is most at risk of impaired vision. It’s a matter of luck. That’s why, where possible, children’s eyesight should be checked even without symptoms. The eyesight is weakens earlier, the symptoms appear much later. And some conditions like amblyopia, squint can be prevented by proper managementof the refractive error.
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