Is it reality that the operation is performed without injection and stitching?

It is a miracle of modern technology. Many times, when we ophthalmologists sit down together, we are amazed at the number of injections we used to give for operation and what kind of complications we used to encounter! In fact, as the incision is very small and it is self-sealing, so it has really possible to perform operations without injections and without stitches. Some people are introducing methods that will not require even anesthetic drops.

How is the operation performed? Do you take the eye out of the body during an operation?

This is a question that most patients ask. Due to this misconception people are very afraid of the operation.

What is the difference between the operations using stitches and suturless operations? 

In older technique, first a long incision was made, from which the lens was extracted, and then a rigid type of artificial IOL was inserted. After this the incision was sealed tightly with stitches. Now a small pathway is made to remove the damaged lens by braking it into small pieces by means of radiations, and through the same small incision a soft foldable lens is inseted with the help of a special type of injector. Since the incision is ver small and it is constructed in such a way it self-seals so no stitches are needed.

?How are the machines are used during the operation

Following are some pictures taken durin operation. by looking at these picture you can imagine the real environment of operation.

Position of the position while being operated

Latest model of operation microscope by Zeiss with Lumera feature and Alcone company’s Latest Phaco machine


Latest model of operation microscope by Zeiss with Lumera feature and Oertli company’s Latest Phaco machine

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