What is the difference between phaco surgery and operation with stitches?

In the older technique to remove cataract, a large incision is made,  then a rigid artificial lens is inserted through the large incision. After the procedure, the incision is closed with fine stitches. This method is even now used but only when there is some complication during surgery or when situation does not allow phaco surgery. In mant places where funds is issue and surgeon is bound to adopt cheaper technique, at those places this method is used even nowadays.

The newer and much more beneficial method is phacooperation. In this a small incision is given, the cataract is removed by braking it into small pieces with the help of ultrasound waves, and those pieces are removed through the small incision. Then a soft lens is inserted into the eye through through the small incision. So a large thing is removed through a small hole! Because theincision is so small, it sel-seals and there is no need for stitches are not needed to close it.Following picture help in understanding

Difference between phaco and operation with stiches

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