What precautions should be taken during their study for prevention of their eyesight?

In fact, the only precautionary measures can be taken to prevent visual impairment. Protect children from situations that increase their risk of visual impairment, such as playing computer games, watching cartoons. Screen time must be in balanced way. And when children do these things, it should be strictly managed that they do these things at intervals. This time should not be without appropriate intervals or should not be too long.

More importantly, when it is discovered that a child has poor eyesight, then the use of spectacles should not be neglected so as to reduce the symptoms of further visual impairment, headaches and lack of concentration, and diseases such as squint and amblyopia. These problems also interfere the child’s normal graowth and mental health.

If our child starts wearing glasses all the time, then child’s vision will become even weaker. Isn’t it better for the child to use it only while studying, for example, while reading?

It is a common misconception that regular use of spectacles further weakens the eyesight and eyesight weakens even rapidly. The second misconception is that the spectacles should be used either for near work or for far sighting but never always.

It is a fact is that the use of spectacles does not eliminate or increase the refractive error. Spectacles only alleviate symptoms and play arole in prevention.

It is a fact is that people with mild visual impairments can see even without spectacles by focusing subconsciously, although it hurts them. When the eyes become normal with the use of spectacles, the pain is cured. But as now the eyes can’t easily focus without glasses, which makes them think that their eyesight has become weaker than before.

The second important thing is that children’s glasses must be worn at all times, whether they are myopic or hypermetropic. Children’s glasses are not just for distance or just for near use. If not used all the time, the eyes do not get the desired rest, which does not bring the desired benefits.

Our child can read even without glasses. Why should we put a child in trouble with glasses?

As stated above, in the case of mild myopia, mild hypermetropia, and and mild astigmatism, as most of the visual activities can be carried out so the deception develops as if glasses are not neede. The children and parents are not convinced that glasses are necessary for them. It must be kept in mind that

  • First of all, if you don’t use glasses, the problems won’t go away.
  • Second, spectacles are recommended for prevention of some of dangerous problems. If the glasses are not used regularly, it will be impossible to prevent from those problems.

Isn’t it a fact that nowadays the eyesight of children has becoming weak? Before, so many children did not have eyesight problems!

In fact, the rate of visual impairment in children has not increased, but the awareness of people about eye diseases has increased. In addition, the education ratio in children has increased, which has improved the ratio of children going for vision analysis. In the past, countless children were unaware that they had poor eyesight.

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